
Háát, igazábol rólam, meg akörnyezetemben élő egy - két idiótárol:)

Friss topikok

  • anyósnyelv: Jó régi - csak pár éves - de imádom az idiótákat. Azok, soha nem azok..... (2011.12.17. 06:07) Jelszó:UTÁL!
  • astevenovamegaheyhooszokozokesekezeteknelkul: naon ari amiket rólunk írsz pupu anita:D orulok hogy jol erezted magad a heten velunk istvan ekeze... (2008.02.23. 19:07) Új barátok
  • BuBu: Te dinka... én kis dinka Pupukám,egyszer kinyithatnád a szád és elmondhatnád nyűgöd.Tudod, hogy so... (2008.01.30. 20:39) Épülés1
  • 232323: "Havernak bírom az ilyen embereket." ÁHÁHÁÁ. Szegény pasit már most sajnálom. :D (2008.01.27. 15:22) :)
  • Buksi: Pannikám! Rettentő jól ez neked de tényleg nagyon ügyi vagy. Elfelejtetted az emailt elküldeni (2008.01.19. 22:45) ...


2008.03.01. 20:51 PuPu

Foo Fighters - The Pretender

Keep you in the dark
You know they all pretend
Keep you in the dark
And so it all began

Send in your skeletons
Sing as their bones come marching in...again
They need you buried deep
The secrets that you keep are at the ready
Are you ready?
I'm finished making sense
Done pleading ignorance
That whole...defense

Spinning infinity, boy
The wheel is spinning me
It's never-ending, never-ending
Same old story

What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?

What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?

In time our soul untold
I'm just another soul to sell... oh, well
The page is out of print
We are not permanent
We're temporary, temporary
Same old story

What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?

What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?

I'm the voice inside your head
You refuse to hear
I'm the face that you have to face
Mirrored in your stare
I'm what's left, I'm what's right
I'm the enemy
I'm the hand that'll take you down
Bring you to your knees

So who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Yeah, who are you?

Keep you in the dark
You know they all pretend

What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?

What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?

What if I say I'm not like the others?
(Keep you in the dark)
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
(You know they all... pretend)
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?

What if I say I'm not like the others?
(Keep you in the dark)
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
(You know they all... pretend)
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?

So who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Yeah, who are you?

Szólj hozzá!

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